nächtlicher Vollmond, Ruhe

December 22nd 2022. What a date.

The year is coming to an end. It is now winter in calendar terms.
Notices of financial year reviews spill into the timeline. Right along with
them courses, trainings, webinars and all sorts of expertise that can tell me and even teach me right now what I need for my business in 2023. Electively, in the less formal channels, what I need for me personally.
The winter solstice is behind us, Yule. The days are already getting longer again, hardly noticeable.
We wish for contemplation in all places. Do we really understand in essence what it means?
There is “being” in it, and “sense”… and a little bit hidden even a small “I”…
Contemplation, reflection…say our English and French speaking friends, depending on the emphasis of course.
The Rauhnächte are near, which are understood from ancient times as a magical time around Christmas (25.12. to 06.01.), in which transitions between the worlds open and very special energies surround the earth.
In the week preceding you it ponders well. The mental conclusion with what was, the appreciation and appreciation of it.
Reflecting on what has made sense to me this year. Which things and thoughts do I succeed in doing better now than I did 365 days ago? Which people could I touch, make happy? Where do I perhaps see points for me that cause me to react in the same way over and over again? And much more exciting… Which blind spots do I not see at all, which perhaps more than others prevent me from being my best version of human? How close am I to my desired ideal image of myself? Is it even mine? Do I know who I am right now?

With the answers to many of these questions, the emotions that want to come to light, the insights…. visionboards for business will be created more sustainable.

It’s time for rest… not hibernation, no… but some seeds may only show their potential through the deep frost in the next warmth.

Take …time.
Now. For yourselves. From the heart.